Core Refraction
Drown in the Echo
It’s an echo (echo, echo, echo, echo)

A song I wrote to process cultural loneliness that I’d been feeling acutely over Christmas 2024 and the ensuing New Year. The events alluded to are events in the history of my birth country, knowledge of which is suppressed there. Much of what I allude to, I only found out in the years after my arrival in the UK.
I felt deeply lonely as I had no one to truly share my true feelings, my true expression with. I didn’t want to be a lightning rod for music that was being pushed by hateful people, or people who didn’t know better. Did my country’s history, expression, etc. matter? Did I, a product of that environment, really matter?
It’s a nice mix of hip-hop and R&B. 5tracks, 5 artists, 5 producers (including me), mixed and mastered by me as well.