Jonathan Hadley’s Dust – A New Anthology of Reflection Through Sound

Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if my dust was made of something different. To have the ability that others seem to… To see the world as a safe place full of wonderful people worth getting to know… But that’s not the dust I’m made of.

Every second of our lives expires and falls into the memory of a past that keeps getting longer. Those memories float through our mind and gather on every piece of our world like dust. Most of my memories collect on my guitar strings. The dust of a life that’s expiring, second by second… That is the dust this album is made of.

— Jonathan Hadley

Dust, is a special project from Jonathan Hadley. The album is a set of instrumentals, an anthology. Words are important, but the music carries the emotion and everything else. Sometimes, it is nice to hear the music laid bare and be allowed to interpret it in the context you see fit.

Track list: (Run Time 50 minutes)

  1. COIL (Instrumental) ft. Above the Snow Line, 2024 Remaster
  2. Violence (Instrumental) ft. Mario Marino
  3. SEVEN (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  4. The Things We Choose to Lose (Instrumental)
  5. Ouija (Instrumental)
  6. When the Lights Go Down ft. Cobey Rokes (Instrumental)
  7. Starlight (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  8. The Gadget (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  9. Octaves (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  10. I’m Alright (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  11. Optimistic [James’ Version] (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  12. Asleep in the Fallout (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  13. Signal ft. Kanilrós (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  14. Optimistic [Jonathan’s Version] (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster
  15. Disconnect ft. Teddy Head (Instrumental) 2024 Remaster

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